After a well deserved sleep in I spent the morning writing a few blogs and organising my next week, which would be a bit of a trip.  Before we headed off to the regular Sunday garden get-together once more, Manja also painted my little finger nails with Silas’ favourite colour.  Why?  Because it was in a magazine she bought for the flight and because we thought Silas might like it….  Yeah, I’m crazy that way 😀

purple nails


Electric guitar fixing

Time for new strings!

At the garden Manja went to battle in her “War against hops” (Manja: “It’s strangling EVERYTHING!!”) and I spent a while re-stringing and re-tuning, playing and again re-tuning, Ilkas guitars.   Besides a slightly damaged “A” peg on the accoustic (the cog is worn and slips off the track) it worked flawlessly.


Tuning Tuning Tuning…

We also had a spade to fix – the old one had snapped.  Trying as I may, I could not get the old stump out of the spade head, until Ilka had a brilliant idea.  “Why don’t we just burn it?”.  A small fire and an hour later, the glowing spade was re-seated onto new wood.  Once it’s cooled I’ll have to drill a screw into it, but it should be functional already.





We were joined by two other friends of the group, and Ilka had kindly provided food again – “Pellkartoffeln” – which were delicious as always!  The whole group chatted away happily as we ate.

After food I helped to move a wardrobe, which suffered a bit for its move, so the two guys there (me being one) played handyman to try and fix it a bit.  Suffice to say we had limited success, but the door closes again.  Sort of.


People and guitars

Eventually we sat back outside and I started playing the acoustic guitar a bit. Turns out my guitar playing hasn’t improved with a neglect of practice, and neither have my calluses.  I know, I was surprised too… I would have thought that by not doing anything I would get better….

None the less we ended up staying quite late playing around with the guitars and chatting.

Listening to…

(one of the few songs I still managed to play from memory)