It’s been a few weeks of utter madness.  Finishing Uni, handing over at work, preparing for the trip, and loads of family events.  Besides sleeping I think I got almost everything done somehow, and it’s been exhausting.

This weekend there was a distinct change of pace though.  Everyone came together for a farewell party, and while it got a biiiit rough toward the later parts of the night, I think most people had a good time.  It was great to see the different groups of people mingling and chatting, and I got to spend a little bit of time with everyone too.  It really couldn’t have gone any better if I actually planned it; I’m surrounded by awesome people!

Sunday was a final ride through the hills, and thanks to a brave pillion willing to risk life and limb, I’m now completely confident that I can ride that bike in any environment I need to…  Except maybe the other side of the road 😉
After the ride and some great chats, I picked up my house-sitter and we played games for a few hours.  Then it was time to start packing until the middle of the night.

An early start and a few last-minute purchases later, I’m packed and ready to go.  Excitement is definitely starting to take over, by all rights I should be passed out in a corner somewhere.

Thank you all for encouraging me, for seeing me off, for helping me be prepared both in everything I’m leaving behind and in the upcoming few months of adventure.   It really does mean the world to me!

Now, let’s go on an adventure!


listening to….