2018 seems to be the year of change…

It’s all around me: My Nephew started school, friends got married, other friends are having a child, yet another is battling a tumour and winning. For myself the amount of change isn’t much less.  I’ve been working too much, and recently ended a 6-year long-distance relationship. With all that and more, it really is hight time to reset my life.

So, there’s only one thing for it: I need to go on an Adventure again.

Some of you may be aware that slightly crazy adventures kind of run in the family.  If you’re following this blog and want some backstory for it, you might be interested in reading my parents blog at http://bikers.readmyblog.org

Thanks to great friends and my awesome family, I already have a fully kitted out and registered motorbike for my travels waiting in Berlin.  And for this trip: destination unknown.

I’m not quite sure how often I’ll be posting, but my goal is at least once every few days…  Sort of like an online travel blog.  If all goes well you’ll also get regular youtube links to whatever I’m up to at the time.  Probably not as interesting for you as it will be for me in another 30 years time 😁

Listening to…

I couldn’t bring myself to remove this default wordpress post, the quote just seems too fitting!


Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
