Even with our best inentions, we didn’t make it to the docks until Tai chi had already finished for the morning. Some panoramic Shots of the shoreline late, (I love my new NEX-5) we decided to find the peak tram. This lofty venture included a ferry trip and getting a bit lost for about an hour. Even with the stifiling humidity and mostly walking uphill, it was totally worth it. The tram is basically a counter-weight pulley system with two trams attached to it. The angle the tram travels up is so steep that the skyscrapers literally seem crooked ~ like they were built on a 45 degree angle. We paid a little extra to get access to ‘The peak’ which has awesome views of hong-kong. The ride back was fun too, and knowing the way and following the signs the return trip only lasted 15 minutes. Turns out following signs leads one down the most direct route. Who knew?!? We crossed back on the ferry, and noticed something pretty cool ~ the seats are basically benches with a back on a 45 degree swivel. This allows passengers to push the back rest into the position they require to be facing the front while traveling either way. It’s a bit hard to explain, but remind me and I’ll draw you a picture to make it clear 🙂 We spent a bit of time cruising through a shopping mall to have some photos of the family printed for the trip, to have some lunch and get some antisceptic hand wash which we forgot to pack. Eventually we returned to the hotel an hour early for our shuttle bus transfer. The hotel was nice enough to let us use their business suite for that time, and I updated my journal there. In the process I took off my leather bracelett, to ease the sorness in my wrist. Mistake! When we rushed off I forgot about it 🙁 We had some dinner and browsed all the shops at Hong-Kong airport, before flying to Kathmandu via Dhaka. At Dhaka the captain made the funniest announcement. “Sorry for the delay Ladies and Gentlemen, the aerobridge is uuuh… Broken. They’re furiously trying to fix it and assure me it shouldn’t be much longer. After this we had to wait for the people to egress who were going to Dhaka. Once done, the cabin crew had to match all the hand luggage left on the plane to existing passengers. It was the most disorganized flight I’d ever been on, but it definitely felt a bit like an adventure was starting 🙂