After a 5 minute hike from the gate to immigration and a 30 minute wait to have our passports stamped, we finally got our luggage and entered the arrival hall. There were many people with signs, but none with our names on it. So we did the only rational thing a couple of guys would do, and rather than asking someone, headed to the ‘Hotel Coaches’ Area. This led us to a very helpful man, who pointed us back to where we came from and said ‘ You need to convert your vouchers to travel passes at the arrival gate’ So we walked back, all the while carrying all of our baggage. There was still no one there for us. I asked the chap at the information desk who pointed us to another counter. On the way /there/ we /accidentally/ found a luggage trolley with our names on it. After nearly 30 minutes of walking around we finally got our ‘travel pass’ – a round K sticker. A 10 second elevator ride and we were back in the area we’d walked to before, and finally got on the bus a few minutes later. The bus ride was fine, but I’d hate to have to drive in Hong-Kong. Arriving at the Kymberley hotel we spent our first few moments outside to feel just how humid it was, even at night. They must spend a tonne of power on cooling, all the buildings are cooled to about 10 degrees celsius. Just to make our experience that bit more difficult, the hotel didn’t have a booking for us. They wanted to charge me HK$1600 (About AU$170) as a bond until it got cleared up. I bluntly refused and asked to speak to a manager. I was informed that the manager wasn’t available right now, but the receptionist went to check with someone in the back office. Another 10 or so minutes later we had someone sort it for us. When we got to the room the lock didn’t work, so we did another round trip to reception to have the lock fixed, and then finally settled in. We changed our shirts and set off to explore for a bit. Everything was closed except for bars ‘With girls’ as we were assured by several people trying to pull us into them, until we finally found a 24 hour McDonalds. After another half hour or so of strolling about, we returned to the hotel by about 1:30 am, with the lofty plan to get up by 7 am to see Tai-chi at the docks.