My Birthday started with a “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” from Manja as she bounced on the bed to wake me. We got up, had a short chat to the family and unpacked a gift, had breakfast together before I headed off to work, knowing that I would have to finish a bit earlier today to go to “Manjas surprise afternoon”.  At work my colleagues had been kind enough to decorate my desk!

The day flew by and before I knew it I got the instruction to come to Warschauer trainstation to meet up with Manja.  I had no idea where we were going, but she brought a heavy bag of food and drinks which I helped her carry.  Eventually we stopped at an intersection and a few minutes later Robert showed up. Not 2 minutes later, Katrin, Kilian and the kids came along with Ilka too. We headed down a path and stepped onto some paddle boats which Manja had arranged for the afternoon. I received a bunch of gifts on the water, along with some Champagne. The combination was a little tricky at some points, but we didn’t loose anything or anyone to the water. Technically we were not allowed to move between boats, but we anchored to each other and moved across freely, sometimes towing one boat and overcrowding the other. I had a really fantastic time and I think everyone else did too 🙂

About 2 hours later we headed back to shore where everyone unpacked a great variety of things for a picnic, for which Diana and Vincent came by too. As we were chatting away we got a dance performance from Kilians kids and a nature performance as a Cormoran (Black bird) caught and ate a live eel. Manja was quick enough to get the camera on it – the video is below the pictures 🙂

As night set in we danced around the picnic site for a few minutes before eventually heading back home. It was such a nice afternoon and a beautiful way to celebrate my first birthday back in Berlin…. Finally in Summer once more!