This Sunday was set aside to prepare for the next trip, and to get the blogs up to date a bit.  You may have noticed that I’m always a bit behind – there’s so much going on that I end up needing to spend a day just writing these blogs!  I also spent some time with Manja to make some chilli oil, Currant and Strawberry Jam and have some awesome dinner.

Auflauf Dinner 15 July

Cheesy Pasta Auflauf dinner

Besides that I prepared for the next trip: Italy!

I’m going to be riding to Pompeii,  (1700 km from Berlin, almost exactly 10% of the way home!) over about 5 days.  This takes us to Friday, where Manja will come and meet me and we’ll explore that part of Italy for a few days before she heads back and I take a more meandering route home seeing some of the sights along the way. It should be an exciting trip, especially because it’s the first time riding outside of Germany and because it’s the first long-distance longer-time trip I’ve actually done on the bike.  We’ll see how I pull up!


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